a family playing with their kid on a house with moving boxes in the background and the Coldwell Banker app on a tablet at front

Reinventing the search for real estate

Coldwell Banker, a leading real estate group that works with brokerages to provide marketing, technology, and brand recognition turned to Modus to redesign their site in an effort to increase traffic and make way for higher quality leads. Simply speaking, we made Coldwell Banker’s site worth the visit, creating a target rich environment for SEO and redesigning the page for a more user-centric experience. The result was truly conversion-worthy content.

  • Buyer/Seller Marketing Site
  • SEO/SEM Landing Pages
  • Lead Nurturing Program
  • Content Marketing
  • Franchise Sales Site
  • Lead Reporting Tool
a man playing with his daughter in the background and the Coldwell Banker app at the front
Coldwell banker listing
Coldwell Banker app on a computer and a phone
Coldwell Banker app on a computer


Advertising Age “Best Real Estate Website” / Two-Time Champ: Web Awards / NN/G Design Annual: Year’s 10 Best Intranets / Interactive Media Council Award “Best-in-class”

Coldwell Banker app on  a tablet
 real state seller delivering a key to a man and a woman

Compelling content plus beautiful code make for SEO gold!

Tom Foley  /  VP of Digital Experience  /  Modus   

Coldewell Banker screens site

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